Sunday, September 21, 2003

by Rabbi Yossi Howidozit

Q: Is it permissible to take Viagra on the Sabbath?
A: There are two differing schools of thought on whether you can take Viagra on the Sabbath. Beit Shammai forbids the ingestion of Viagra on the Sabbath lest one violate the law that forbids erecting a structure (boneh) on the Sabbath. However, Beit Hillel does not read it as "boneh" but as "boner" and permits the ingestion of Viagra on the Sabbath. The ingestion of Viagra (known as "Yeshurun" or the straight one) is permitted before sundown as long as the Kabbalat Shabbat takes less than a half hour to complete, the kids are asleep, and your wife doesn't have
a headache.

Q: What brucha does one say before taking Viagra?
A: There is a choice of four blessings:
1) Borei p'ri ha-eitz - blessing over the fruit of the tree.
2) Boruch Atah Hashem zokeif k'fuffim - Straighten those who
are bent.
3) Boruch Atah Hashem ya'aleh v'yovo - arise and come.
4) Boruch Atah Hashem Mechayei hameitim - raise the dead.


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